The primary goal of our website is to provide the users with user manuals for the devices with which they have a problem.
The second and no less useful feature is the possibility to ask questions to other users of If, in spite of downloading the user manual, you still cannot solve your problem, ask a question - other users will try to help you.
The most convenient way is of course to download the PDF document to your computer. However, if you do not want to download the document to your disk and use the disk space, we provide navigation tools to help you look through the user manual's pages and view them online.
Due to the large amount of spam, we decided that for some popular devices the added questions will be moderated manually. If you added a question that is truly related to a specific device, it should appear within 24 hours.
It's very simple. Just click "Download the user manual" and follow the instructions on the subsequent page.
We are not in any way associated with device manufacturers. We only collect user manuals for devices. If you want to get official support or order spare parts for your device, you must do so through its official website.